Friday, December 30, 2011

What are you doing on the last day of the year?

Okay, technically this is the day before the last day, but my posts fall on Friday, so here I go.

First, my husband and I are celebrating being together for eight years. We don't know exactly when we "hooked up" so we just celebrate on New Year's, the day we met. The crazy story is here.

It's become a tradition for us to celebrate at Outback Steakhouse, but in the last few years finances prevented it...although we would scrape up some change and get a Bloomin' Onion to split. ::droooool::
Anyway, this year I set aside enough money that we can go. YAAAAAAYYYY!!!!

But we're going a night early because in the years we couldn't go to Outback, we've discovered that The Powder River Saloon throws an amazing New Year's party complete with potluck, games, and a dart tournament. Don't worry guys, the place is in walking distance so no drinking and driving for me. And I'm totally getting my kiss at midnight.

So that's how I'm bringing in the New Year. What are your plans? Do you have any special traditions?

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