Sunday, January 2, 2011

My 2011 Goals

Another blogger stated that they preferred to use the term New Year's "goals" rather than "resolutions" because the word "resolutions" seems made to break. I agree, so I'm going to adopt the term as well. Since 12 is my favorite number I decided to come up with twelve goals.

1.) Get the first two books in my BRIDES OF PROPHECY series polished enough for my agent and then ready for her to submit to publishers.

2.) Complete another manuscript. The problem is: I have 2 good ideas and haven't settled on one yet.

3.)Blog at least twice a week.

4.) Have at least one awesome guest author every month.

5.) Become more regular on Twitter and Facebook

6.) Get up to 3000 followers on Twitter (I'm at 1370 already so I think I can make it.)

7.) Keep the house clean and organized. (I don't feel confident with this one, but it's worth a shot.)

8.) Lose 20 pounds...and get my tummy looking good again. (I got a head start and lost 3 lbs already)

9.) Learn how to use a sewing machine to make/ repair clothes. (It's actually going to be a husband and wife activity. It was HIS idea, if you can believe it.)

10.) Keep my marriage healthy, happy, and full of passion. Between my grief over losing my mom and burying myself in my writing, I've been neglecting the poor guy.

11.) Become a better mother. If I could be half as good with kids as my mom was, I'd be thrilled.

12.) Get a tattoo...or 2.  These are the two I have planned:
                                                      I'll get this one on my left upper arm
 And I don't know where I'm going to get this one:


  1. Excellent goals, all. Best of luck getting them done...and if I were you, I'd start with a tattoo (because those are just too, too cute!). :-)

  2. Aww thanks! My husband says it would be too butch to get one on my arm but whatever. I'm also tentatively thinking of getting the Cheshire Cat perched above my butt-cheek.

    Did I mention that I love cats? LOL.

  3. Love the Egyptian bastet tattoos. Considered getting one a couple years back but wussed out due to its size and the need to be extremely thin for the rest of my life to ever show it off. Lol. Still in love with it though. good luck with your new cattoos. Lol.

  4. The link didn't work. LOL about the staying thin, That's why I'm not gonna get tats anywhere near my stomach, hips, or thighs. :)
